This function takes a domain string, normalizes it, checks that it is not a subdomain, is an "og" domain, and verifies that isn't too long.
function isValidDomain(_name: string): [boolean, string]
import { lnr } from '@linagee/lnr-ethers-react';
const MyComponent = () => {
const domainString = "0xhal.og";
return (
<h1>{lnr.utils.isValidDomain(domainString)[0] ? "Valid Domain" : "Invalid Domain"}</h1>
export default MyComponent;
The above code will render the following:
Valid Domain
- _name (string): A domain string to be checked for validity.
- ([boolean, string]): An array with the first element being a boolean indicating if the domain is valid, and the second element being the normalized domain string.
Validity Conditions
- The domain should not be an empty string.
- The domain should not be a subdomain (only one dot "." allowed).
- The domain should end with ".og".
- The domain's byte size should not exceed 35.